(Photo Credit; J.R. Writer, TFM 2012 Lookbook photo-shoot, New York, New York, USA.)
Posted: by T.F.M. Staff / Written: by N. Brooks. January 17, 2011.
December 3rd, 2011, The Fight Mafia Lifestyle Apparel Company organized a photo-shoot with famed celebrity photographer Chad Griffith (www.chadgriffith.com) at his new studio headquarters in New York City. Located directly in the fashion district of NYC, we couldn't have picked a better setting for our 2012 lookbook photo-shoot. Our goal was simple - "Concrete and Clothes." Our brand has never been a facet that bought into the various staged hypes that portray a certain lifestyle of lavishness that is unrealistic nor true. Photo-shoot grind for us equals TFM gear and talent; And when we say talent, we mean TALENT! One of those particular talents who came through the shoot for us was the infamous Hip-Hop artist J.R. Writer. J.R. is considered one of the world's top Hip-Hop lyricists and is a member of Harlem's famed Dipset crew (The Diplomats). J.R.'s street anthem "Get'em" is a iPod rotation must for all "Organized Grind" enthusiasts. Considered a Mix-Tape icon, we couldn't be more appreciative for Mr. Writer and the Thundabyrdz crew (Team Thunda) coming through our NYC photo-shoot, laying it down and showing love. Much love (respect) and shout-out to Team Thunda, Fred Money, and J.R. Writer and his whole crew. We would like to as well thank all who were involved in our December 3rd, 2011, NYC photo-shoot and be on the lookout for those images throughout 2012 (www.thefightmafia.com).